Western Railway
The Zonal training institute of Western Railway RPF, situated at Valsad inGujarat state. The history of this institute dates back to the year 1958, when Valsad city wasidentified as a suitable location for training of RPF personnel and a modest beginning was madeby utilizing the office building and residential bungalows of the erstwhile Bombay, Baroda andCentral India Railway. The institute is headed by a Principal and has gradually grown to its presentstatus and recognized as Zonal Training institute of RPF-Western Railway. The institute campus isspread over 31.85 acres, with a capacity of imparting training to 260 trainees.
ZTl, Valsad has taken up this challenge with missionary zeal and in the present day it is imparting meaningful training in a wide spectrum of subjects that range from intelligence tradecraft, passenger security, law and order to information technology, cyber investigation, handling of modern weaponry, criminal law and social sciences. These substantial improvements could be made by the guidance of Security Directorate which was instrumental in devising a comprehensive plan for training of faculty members in specialized training centers of sister enforcement agencies. These high level training programs followed by the trickle down approach of organizing similar courses in our institute has immensely improved the exposure of our staff to latest trends and techniques in security management.
Having rapidly evolved from very basic training paraphernalia from just a few years ago, the institute at present has modern class rooms with smart boards, a full-fledged computer lab, library, model room and extensive outdoor facilities like parade ground, Drill Nursery/corrector obstacle course, yoga centre and sports ground to ensure all round development of the trainees. It is also heartening that this development is an on-going process and the breath of vision and
- Organizational Structure:
Mobile No.
Shri Rakesh Pandey
ASC-cu m-Prlncipal
Shri Sanjay Chaudhary
Shri S. Asif Ahmed
Training Facilities:
Parade Ground. Mess, Dining Hall. School Building. Recreation Room. Computer
Lab, Outdoor Spofts complex. G1'rn. Model Roorn. Drill Nurser'),, RO with Water Cooler, TV, WashingMachine. Industrial Chimne\,& Truck and Bus,01 FoLrr Wheeler Velricle on hiring basis & 03 un-skilledlabour for Sanitization housekeeping.
Accommodation Capacity:
A. Narmada & Girnar barrack capacity of 260 trainees
B. New constructed Ladies Barrack of 30 beds.
C. Nerv constructed Instructor barracks of 25 beds.
D. Nerv Principal Bungalorv Type -lV irr canrpus.
E. Type -ll 02 qtrs. in campus
F. Type - I standard 03 qtrs. in campus.
G. 07 qtrs. of RPF Pool available outside of campus area.
Course conducted:
A. Initial constable recruits Training.
B. Refresher Training.
C. Capsule Course.
D. Promotion Course.
E. OrientationCourses.
F. RSMS Module /CCTV Monitoring